Basic Equipment

There are standard equipment/gear that Agents can equip to prepare themselves for battle. Some rare equipment are NFTs can be traded on the secondary markets. Think of equipment as providing passive defense to the Agent. The following describes each category of equipment.

Helm - Head protection from various damage types. Notably, this equipment is the only one that has the possibility to defend against mind based attacks. Some helms come with enhanced vizors that provide additional visual distance.

Vest - Offers the best defense against the majority of damage types when compared with the other equipment categories.

Boots - Provides excellent defense against personal land mines (traps) and some rare boots provide additional jump jet capabilities allowing Agents to reach 6m height buildings.

Tactical Equipment - More functional in nature and can be used during combat to directly aid the squad’s objectives. Think of these as active defenses that give additional options to the Agent’s [Tactical Actions] menu. Agents only have one slot for a Tactical Equipment. Tactical Equipment can be used once every turn.

  • Shields [Shield Up] - This option is available only to Agents that equip a shield in their tactical equipment slot. By holding a shield up against the enemy, the Agent receives a Full Shield bonus similar to hiding behind a full cover during its movement. Shield Up remains active until the start of the player's next turn. More on hiding behind cover can be found here.

  • Drones [Cyberhacking] - Hacking systems in a game level can yield various strategic advantages including accessing locked pathways and reducing enemy defenses. More on hacking here.

  • Traps [Lay Trap] - Traps are restricted to certain type Agents, mostly Assassin roles.

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