On-Chain Currencies

$ROT (On-Chain Token)

  • Used to make any purchases in the RoT NFT Marketplace.

  • Used to ascend any squad element NFT (requiring an on chain transaction), which burns the previous NFT/virtual elements used to produce it.

  • Used to exchange directly for stable coins.

  • Used to stake for higher $ROT yields over time.

  • Used to stake to form a Guild.

Obtaining $ROT

  • Exchange tokens for $ROT on CEX / DEX (on chain).

  • Stake $ROT for additional $ROT over time (on chain).

  • Selling NFTs on the ROT NFT Marketplace (on chain).


  • Used by multiple Guilds to stake to form an Alliance (on chain).

  • Used to purchase rare and limited NFTs (on chain).

  • [proposal stage] Stake to gain additional DAO voting rights.

Last updated