Squad & Agents


  • A squad is a combination of Agents selected to undertake missions. There is an option to select a default squad that will automatically be chosen when starting PvP or PvE missions. Additional squads can be set based on different gameplay modes.


Agents can be obtained from NFT market places. They can also be obtained from the Lending market place and NFT Crates during special events. Every new Imperial Pass season will also award every player who has been active with new Agents. Agents are NFTs. The following are some general rules about Agents:

  • They only have one weapon proficiency

  • They can die in combat (revive again for next mission)

  • Generally has three types of skills that may include

    • active skill (weapon / equipment based)

    • passive skill (agent based)

    • tactical skill (equipment based)

  • Have a humanity value

  • Have a class

  • Have damage types

  • Have a backstory

  • Not all Agents can wield grenades

  • Not all Agents can hack systems

Stats are the Agent’s DNA and should be balanced according to their roles. Here are the Base Stats:

Health Points [HP] - Amount of damage an Agent can sustain. Minimum Agent HP starts at 100 and can vary during the Agent creation stage.

Strength [STR] - Prerequisite for certain weapons (melee or range) Starts at 50, usually determined by Role type

Logic [LOG] - chance to hack a computer system. Starts at 50, usually determined by Role type

Synapse [SYN] - Dexterity and reaction. Also directly tied to aim accuracy. Starts at 50, usually determined by Role type

Speed [SPD] - Affects movement range and initiative. Starts at 50, usually determined by Role type

Evasion [EVA] - Chance to reduce enemies landing a hit on the agent. Starts at 50, usually determined by Role type

Perception [PER] - Ability to detect hidden threats. Starts at 10, usually determined by Role type

Secondary Stats Following are Secondary Stats derived from above.

Movement Range [MR] - Number of tiles a unit can cover in a Movement Action Perception Range [PR] - Perception standard is 5 tiles

Throw Range [TR] - Throw range standard is 7 tiles

Initiative [INI] - Determines who goes first in a turn Based on SYN

Chance to Hit [CH] - Takes into account SYN, Weapon Range modifiers, EVA and Defense Bonus to calculate chance to land a hit. Weapon

Attack [ATK] - The weapon base damage to enemies. Weapon damage is dependent on weapon type: Pistol, Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Submachine Gun, Shotgun,

Armor Defense [DEF] - Amount of damage reduction. Armor defense depends on type of armor, typically broken into Light, Medium, and Heavy

Critical Chance [CRC] - the chance of landing a critical hit. Starts at 10, usually determined by weapon type

Critical Damage [CRD] - bonus damage on landing a critical hit. Starts at 50, usually determined by weapon type

Humanity Values [HV] - impacts certain resistances and weaknesses to damage types.

Weapon Proficiency [WP] - Agent's specialized weapon type

Aim [AIM] - Chance to land a hit with weapon Based on SYN

Honor [HNR] - Players have an additional attribute termed “Honor” which can help them access special Missions depending on their Honor Points level. Helping a Guild or Alliance member increases Honor points, whereas executing and torturing enemy Agents for information reduces Honor Points. Warring against a Guild or Alliance member also incurs penalties.

Subject to play testing and balance changes

Last updated