
Agents are standard Units that help form the bulk of a Squad to support a Hero or perform easier Missions on their own.

Some things to note about agents:

  • Only have one weapon proficiency

  • Can die in combat

  • Has three agent skills:

    • Active skills

      • Offensive

      • Defensive

    • Passive skills

    • Equipment based skills

  • Have a class

  • Have damage types

  • Have a backstory

  • Not all can wield grenades

  • Not all can hack systems

Agent Roles

It is important to recruit a diverse roster of Agents to take onto the battlefield. There are six possible roles in the game, each with their own set of subroles and skills. Roles help players decide what makes up the squad to bring into the battlefield for each mission.

  • Tank- Tanks rely on heavy armor and modern tech to exist on the front lines. While this increases their ability to take a punch, it often makes them slower than other units on the battlefield. Eg. High HP and defense stats agents

  • Support - Squads are almost always reliant on external systems to be the most effective. Support units bring those systems to the battlefield and give allies an advantage over their enemies. Eg. healers and hackers.

  • Fighter- Fighter units provide the main strike of a fighting force. They are suited to multiple tasks and are able to dish out and receive punishment in equal measure. Eg. Above average HP and defenses. Above average attack skills.

  • Assassin - Assassins have been employed since the dawn of warfare. Deadly when striking from an unseen position, Assassins focus on quick decisive strikes that cripple their opponents without exposing themselves for long periods of time. Eg. High DPS and fast. Low HP and defenses.

  • Marksman- Firing from long ranges, Marksmen focus on dealing devastating attacks that can eliminate weaker enemies quickly. Marksman also have the ability to spot enemies from longer ranges allowing for more accurate information on the battlefield. Eg. High DPS and long range. Low HP and defenses.

  • Techie- They have awesome hacking abilities and usually include abilities to crowd control making sure the squad is not easily overrun by marauding enemy units.

  • Specialist- Skirmishers represent the special operations component of any squad. Extremely specialized with weapons and skills tailored to particular tasks, the skirmisher is limited in it’s application but necessary to overcome the most tenacious enemies Eg. Agents with non conventional skills that directly or indirectly help the squad.

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