Core Game Loop

Basic Loop: Set Your Squad -> Complete Missions -> Earn Credits & Cores -> Obtain/Level Up Units/Items -> Level Your Squad -> Fuse Agents

Advance Loop: Invest in Safe Zone Land Plot NFTs -> Obtain Land NFTs -> Build Facilities ->Obtain resources -> Support guild and alliance mission and activities

Hard Core Loop: Invest in Terror Zone Land Plot NFTs -> Raid opponent Land plots -> Defend Terror Zone Land Plots -> Participate in guild and alliance wars

The player journey takes them from the brutal dregs of the city with close-quarter fights to the broader theater of war.

Players that fuse their Agents to a certain rarity will gain access to new story modes and Missions based on floating fortresses high in the sky. This new aerial section of the game is mainly for Guild Wars and Missions.

The next and final war front is beyond the world's atmosphere. Players who fuse enough Agents and who fulfill a certain criteria will be thrust into the shadow wars of space where territories and control over Space Nodes reflect true power. This is an epic adventure of global proportions and more of the story is revealed at this level. Alliances of Guilds consisting of hundreds of players will strategize and counter-strategize giving rise to Alliance Wars, where potential loss of territory and Agent NFTs is the price to pay to bring down the Emperor.

About Missions

Missions are designed to entertain the players and depending on which missions, players can obtain certain parts, items and in-game currencies to advance in the game. Missions are tied to many systems including the crafting system, land system, and the guild and alliance systems. These missions have a limit to replay and are capped by the player's Imperial Pass level.

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